Manually Setting the Driver Station to Start Custom Dashboard


If WPILib is not installed to the default location (such as when files are copied to a PC manually), the dashboard of choice may not launch properly. To have the DS start a custom dashboard when it starts up, you have to manually modify the settings for the default dashboard.


This is not needed for most installations, try using the appropriate Dashboard Type setting for your language first.

Set Driver Station to Default

Click on the Setup tab (gear icon) and then change the "Dashboard Type".

Open the Driver Station software, click on the Setup tab and set the Dashboard setting to Default. Then close the Driver Station!

Open DS Data Storage file

Highlights the "FRC DS Data Storage.ini" file in Windows explorer.

Browse to C:\Users\Public\Documents\FRC and double click on FRC DS Data Storage to open it.


Modify the "DashboardCmdLine" entry to control where it looks for the file that it will start.

Locate the line beginning with DashboardCmdLine. Modify it to point to the dashboard to launch when the driver station starts

LabVIEW Custom Dashboard

Replace the string after = with "C:\\PATH\\TO\\DASHBOARD.exe" where the path specified is the path to the dashboard exe file. Save the FRC DS Data Storage file.

Java Dashboard

Replace the string after = with java -jar "C:\\PATH\\TO\\DASHBOARD.jar" where the path specified is the path to the dashboard jar file. Save the FRC DS Data Storage file.


Shuffleboard and Smartdashboard require Java 17.

Dashboard from WPILib installer

Replace the string after = with wscript C:\\Users\\Public\\wpilib\\YYYY\\tools\\DASHBOARD.vbs where YYYY is the year and DASHBOARD.vbs is Shuffleboard.vbs, Smartdashboard.vbs, or Elastic.vbs. For example DashboardCmdLine = "wscript C:\\Users\\Public\\wpilib\\2025\\tools\\Elastic.vbs". Save the FRC DS Data Storage file.

Launch Driver Station

The Driver Station should now launch the dashboard each time it is opened.