Configuring widgets
Robot programs can specify exactly which widget to use to display a data point, as well as how that widget should be configured. As there are too many widgets to be listed here, consult the docs for details.
Specifying a widget
Call withWidget
after add
in the call chain:
.add("Max Speed", 1)
.withWidget(BuiltInWidgets.kNumberSlider) // specify the widget here
.Add("Max Speed", 1)
.WithWidget(frc::BuiltInWidgets::kNumberSlider) // specify the widget here
from wpilib.shuffleboard import Shuffleboard
from wpilib.shuffleboard import BuiltInWidgets
.add("Max Speed", 1)
.withWidget(BuiltInWidgets.kNumberSlider) # specify the widget here
In this example, we configure the “Max Speed” widget to use a slider to modify the values instead of a basic text field.

Setting widget properties
Since the maximum speed only makes sense to be a value from 0 to 1 (full stop to full speed), a slider from -1 to 1 can cause problems if the value drops below zero. Fortunately, we can modify that using the withProperties
.add("Max Speed", 1)
.withProperties(Map.of("min", 0, "max", 1)) // specify widget properties here
.Add("Max Speed", 1)
.WithProperties({ // specify widget properties here
{"min", nt::Value::MakeDouble(0)},
{"max", nt::Value::MakeDouble(1)}
from wpilib.shuffleboard import Shuffleboard
from wpilib.shuffleboard import BuiltInWidgets
.add("Max Speed", 1)
.withProperties(map("min", 0, "max", 1)) # specify widget properties here

Widgets can be specified by name; however, names are case- and whitespace-sensitive (“Number Slider” is different from “Number slider” and “NumberSlider”). For this reason, it is recommended to use the built in widgets class to specify the widget instead of by raw name. However, a custom widget can only be specified by name or by creating a custom WidgetType
for that widget.
Widget property names are neither case-sensitive nor whitespace-sensitive (“Max” and “max” are the same). Consult the documentation on the widget in the BuiltInWidgets class for details on the properties of that widget.